Be sure to check out our Events Page for special times & holiday closures
Monday Private Parties
Tuesday Closed (Roller Derby practice)
Wednesday 7pm-9pm Open Skate $9 Pizza Night (all you can eat served till 8pm or gone) Music for the older generation
Thursday Private Parties & Adult Night 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month
Friday 7pm-10pm Open Skate $13 Music for the teens, and GLOW party, 1 glow thing included, more for sale
All guests under 18 must wear skates. No skate-mate rentals.
9:30 Sock Hop (everybody takes their skates off and dances on the floor in their socks)
Saturday 10:(30)-12:(30) Semi-Private Parties
1pm-4pm Open Skate $11 <-click me & Book your birthday party here
4:30pm-6:30pm Private Parties
7pm-10pm Open Skate $11 Music for the family. No skate-mate rentals.
Sunday 1pm-4pm Open Skate $11 <-click me & Book your birthday party here
4:30pm-6:30pm Private Parties
The above admission prices do NOT include rentals.
Quad skate rentals: $4 per session
In-line rentals: $4 per session
Prices and Times are subject to change without notice.
We’re Back!!!